At 805 Posts We Are Just Getting Started.

I started this blog in August 2007, with the intention of just recording occasional thoughts which would eventually amount to what I imagined would be a wealth of ideas. Looking back, I can see that I have done more than just record some thoughts. I have covered a wide range of issues; I have joined debates about literature, and I have interviewed key contemporary African writers.

Now, I am dreaming again. Dreaming of expansion, but in a more collaborative way. I am going to invite some bloggers, writers, journalists and poets to share this space, to share their ideas in a way consistent with the concept of a wealth of ideas.

Very soon (most likely this week, on March 7), I am going to start an African radio hour which focuses on writers and writing. I will be drawing much of my information from blogosphere, and from interviewing the writers and some key readers of African literature. Wealth of Ideas will become a companion website of the radio program, either supplying some of the information I will talk about, or recording what what happens during the radio hour.

I see growth and would like to embrace it. This is the time.


Anonymous said…
what a beautiful way for us to interact. a truly noble idea

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