Noah Hayes and David Iribarne SPC Reading Event
We had a good reading at SPC on Monday, March 14, featuring David Iribarne and Noah Hayes, their first time sharing the stage, but certainly not my first time hosting them. In February Noah Hayes read at Cosumnes River College with Terry a O'Neal, Takitha Buford, and Shenae Crain. I have also shared the stage with him in different venues in Sacramento. Different audiences are always captivated by his performances.
David Iribarne is a regular at the Sacramento Poetry, and I have hosted his reading in 2009. This time he was reading from his new book Bones, Skin, and Soul, which contains elegiac pieces about his late parents. Iribarne's poetry centers mostly on relationships and family matters.
Noah Hayes is influenced by his love for hip-hop, particulary the classic hip-hop of the 70s. His poetry sends a message of social consiousness, and uplifting message, much like the message of classic hip-hop. His lines vary from the direct, "I am hip-hop" to "Each time I do this I feel reborn", to "I wish someone would listen."
And we were there listening. As the host, I sat in the front, taking photos with my phone, but the best photos of the event were taken by Joshua de Jesus, who has been kind enough to share the ones featured in this post.