Tule, Tiger's Eye, Farallon: Three American Journals to Check Out
Here are some journals to consider submitting your works to. Two of them, Tule Review and Farallon are based in Sacramento, California, while Tiger's Eye is based in Oregon. All three accepts submissions from all over the world, and their reach is expanding. Both the copies and editing are of a high quality.
Tule Review is published by the Sacramento Poetry Center. The current issue if Summer 2010, which just came out. The deadline for the Winter 2011 are due by September 15, 2010. Fourteen of the contributors in the Summer issue will do a launch reading on August 2. That promises to be a big event; it is going to feature my friend Naomi Beneraon, the 2010 winner of the Bellwhether Fiction Award, coordinated by Barbara Kingsolver. Other feature poets include Tom Goff of Sacramento, Michael Lee Johnson, whose work has appeared on Munyori Literary Journal, Pablo Neruda translator William O'Daly, award-winning author Francisco X. Alarcon, and many others. Send your works to Tule Review to editors Linda Collins and Teresa McCourt. For Submission Guidelines, visit the Sacramento Poetry Center website.
The Farallon Review: This California journal, edited by Tim Foley, a regular at the Sacramento Poetry Center, is devoted to the short story and other prose fiction. It's based in the heart of Sacramento, on L Street, but accepts works from all over the US and beyond. I know Zimbabwean poets have already been featured in several California poetry journals. Here is a journal that accepts fiction. "This journal is a place to share the works of writers who still believe that short fiction is a unique artform, worth writing, and worth reading," said the editor, Tim Foley, who recently told me that he hopes that the journal, now at 95 pages, will even be longer. Current features include Joshua Citrak, James Haas, Daniel Vaccaro, and many others. Works can be submitted to: Editor[AT]Farallonreview.com, or you can visit the Farallon Review website for guidelines.
The Tiger's Eye is a poetry journal which originated in Sacramento ten years ago, but is now based in Eugene Oregon. Last night I hosted a reading that featured the some of the contributors to the current issue, Spring-Summer 2010. I had a chat with the editors, Collete Jonopulos and JoAn Osborne. In addition to publishing poetry, Tiger's Press also publishes poetry chapbooks and offers editing services.
For more details on Tiger's Eye, see yesterday's entry.
So, here you are. Send your works to these lit journals.