Another Essay on the Year of the Short Story, 2009
"Alice Munro won the Man Booker International, Raymond Carver's widow published a revised edition of What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, and fine collections appeared from old hands and debutantes. This year proved that reports of the short story's death have been greatly exaggerated..." writes Chris Power at the Guardian Book Blog.
What's good to know is that 2010 already promises to be another year of the short story. By this--year of the short story--we mean many things, but one that's obvious is that there seems to be consent that, as Chris points out, the short story is alive (Some people thought it was dead).
What's good to know is that 2010 already promises to be another year of the short story. By this--year of the short story--we mean many things, but one that's obvious is that there seems to be consent that, as Chris points out, the short story is alive (Some people thought it was dead).