Nathan Bransford on Writing and Happiness

Here is a literary agent who believes that writers should be happy, and he has ten commandments for the happy writer:

1. Enjoy the present.
2. Maintain your integrity.
3. Recognize the forces that are outside of your control.
4. Don't neglect your friends and family.
5. Don't Quit Your Day Job.
6. Keep up with publishing industry news.
7. Reach out to fellow writers.
8. Park your jealousy at the door.
9. Be thankful for what you have.
10. Keep writing.

Visit his superblog and read his explanations for each of the commandments.


The Bookaholic said…
Regent Children School are reading Onyeka, because they have no cares in the world, if they don't read what would they do? Yes, they have all the games, TV, video and stuff...but quick question, reading will come more easily to Nigerians when there is food in the belly. Just my rambles...
The Bookaholic said…
Thanks for this. It is very true...especially the last one. Though I seem to like 8 most, you should keep true to the nature of your work even though others are winning the prizes.
You are right; with so much happening in the publishing world; new prizes, new books, etc, it is easy to lose track of your own writing. I know Jhumpa Lahiri claims that she does not read the book news section of the newspaper. She reads classic literature, her favorite writers and continues to write.

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