Getting Ready for Poetry Month

This blog will be featuring specials on poetry in April. I will be posting book reviews, poet interviews and more coverage of poetry events. I will be hosting a second Monday poetry reading at the Sacramento Poetry Center, featuring local poets Dennis Hock and Lisa Dominguez Abrahams, who are also my colleagues at Cosumnes River College. Lisa appeared in the premier issue of Munyori Literary Journal, back when it was Munyori Poetry Journal; you can see the interview I did with her by clicking on Lisa Dominguez Abraham. Dennis Hock has a book that came out last year, which I will try to review before the reading (so much stuff to review, but it's all good).

So maybe on April 1st, I will feaure an interview with Sacramento poet and artist, Jennifer Pickering. I talked with her today and she thought the idea was fantastic. National Public Radio will be featuring her art at their Sac State Center.

Plans are underway to interview Julia Connor, the current Sacramento Poet Laureate. I know she will be at the Sacramento Writers Conference on the weekend of April 3, which will generate more poetry news, especially on Monday April 6, when we launch our first Sacramento Press publication.

I have plans to chat with Ghanaian poet and businessman Julian Adomako-Gymah. He tells me he might tour China soon, perhaps in April.

Sacramento poet and novelist Terry O'Neal is working on a documentary. Florida's Westside Gazette reports that the documentary is about Maurice ‘Red’ Jefferson, who vanished in 1983. Read all about it on Westside. Schedules allowing, Terry might visit one of my writing courses to discuss her novel, Sweet Lavender.

On April 25 I am joining other writers to faciliate a workshop on the making of a story. I know it's poetry month, but that doesn't mean that prose will take a break. This workshop happens on April 25, a Saturday. Visit the Our Life Stories website.

I will post more updates as events information becomes available. If you are doing something, or you know of events that are of interest, email me through Munyori Literary Journal Contact page, or leave a comment on this blog.

I would like to hear about writing events happening in other places as well--Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, etc.


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