Blogging About Famous Characters in Literature

Looking at the search engine terms people use to find my blog Moments in Literature, I can see that a lot of searches feature the phrase "famous characters in literature". We know them: Ishmael, Ahab (in Melville), the Old Man in Charles Mungoshi, Benjie, Quentin, Caddie (in William Faulkner), Tambudzai in Tsitsi Dangarembga, and many others. Last year I attempted a Google Knol on Famous Characters in African Literature and even began discussing Tambudzai, but then I got too busy and shelved the idea. If search engine terms show that there are people looking for famous characters in literature, there is an opportunities for bloggers! Just take one character at a time and cast him or her as a famous character in literature, some type of mini-biographies for the characters in the literature we love.


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