Calling on Dambudzo Marechera Scholars in North America

Over the years I have had the perception that Dambudzo Marechera is an unknown author in North America, particularly in the United States, but every now and then I run into someone who mentions the author, or tells me that he or she wrote a paper, a thesis or dissertation on him. I am calling on all Marechera scholars, enthusiasts, maniacs, etc who get to read this message to reveal themselves. Send an email to or leave a comment here.

As the previous post indicated University of Oxford is setting aside (notice the exageration here) three days in May 2009 to celebrate the life and works of Marechera. This is a good example of what American University like Brown, Harvard, Columbia, Princeton, Yale, etc should consider doing...

So again, Marechera scholars based in North America, get in touch (


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