Night of Comedy and Poetry at SPC

Sacrament Poetry Center


An Evening of Comedy And Poetry with Carol Louise Moon, Michael Rowe, Brad Buchanan and Tim Kahl: Monday, Sept. 1 , 2008 at 7:30 PM 1719 25th Street

The night will feature discussion of the relationship of comedy and poetry, including examples of comedic poems, improv, and a brief lecture on the cross-fertilization of both.

Carol Louise Moon has been published in Brevities, Rattlesnake Review, Poetry Now, Updrafts and Poets Forum Magazine. She has a new littlesnake broadside (Mindfully Moon) due out recently from Rattlesnake Press. She is also the author of a new chapbook/comic book entitled Some Roman Alpha Letters Make Good Friends.

Michael Rowe is a member and organizer of the improv group at The Geary Theater at 22nd and L in Sacramento.

Brad Buchanan teaches Modern British and American Literature and Creative Writing at California State University, Sacramento. His work has appeared in the U.S. in American Poets and Poetry, The Comstock Review, Confrontation, The Connecticut Poetry Review, Illuminations, Northeast, The Notre Dame Review, Peregrine, The Portland Review, RE: AL, The Seattle Review, The South Dakota Review, and Whetstone. His first book The Miracle Shirker was published by Poets Corner Press in 2005, and he has recently started his own literary press, Roan Press, which has published Swimming The Mirror, a book of poems dedicated to his daughter, Nora. He sometimes pawns himself as an amateur gerontologist just to make people happy, and he also refers to himself as a relapsing rhymester.

Tim Kahl’s work has been published or is forthcoming in Prairie Schooner, American Letters & Commentary, Berkeley Poetry Review, Fourteen Hills, George Washington Review, Illuminations, Indiana Review, Limestone, Nimrod, Ninth Letter, Notre Dame Review, South Dakota Quarterly, The Journal, Parthenon West Review, The Spoon River Poetry Review, The Texas Review, and many other journals in the U.S. He has translated Austrian avant-gardist, Friederike Mayröcker; Brazilian poets, Lêdo Ivo and Marly de Oliveira; and the poems of the Portuguese language’s only Nobel Laureate, José Saramago. He also appears as Victor Schnickelfritz at the poetry and poetics blog The Great American Pinup ( His first collection Possessing Yourself is forthcoming from Word Tech Press in 2009. He is also the editor for Bald Trickster Press, which is dedicated to works of poetry in translation into English.


September 8 [Emmanuel]: Terry O' Neal
September 15 [Rebecca]: Jim Nolt
September 22 [Tim]: Robert Grossklaus and Miles Miniacci with music by Litany
September 29 [Frank]: Alan Williamson and Andrena Zawinski

October 6 [Tim]: Susan Kelly-Dewitt: The Fortunate Islands Reading
October 13 [Emmanuel]:
October 20 [Rebecca]: Sixteen Rivers Press: Gillian Wegener, Terry Ehret, and Dan Bellm
October 27 [Tim]:Meg Withers and Tom Goff
October 31 [Fri.][Frank] Halloween Reading

November 3 [Camille Norton]: Jan Beatty
November 10 [Emmanuel]: Edward Mycue and Nancy Keane
November 17 [Rebecca]: Ann Privateer
November 24 [Tim]: Connie Post and Janet Smith


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