Arnold Schwarzenegger Applauds Appointment of Kay Ryan as US Poet Laureate

"Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger issued the following statement after the Library of Congress announced the appointment of Kay Ryan, of Marin County, as Library's 16th Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry for 2008 to 2009", reports the The Imperial valley News.

Schwarzenegger is quoted as saying: "On behalf of all Californians, Maria and I congratulate Kay Ryan on her extraordinary appointment as the nation's Poet Laureate. Her accomplishment highlights the importance of the literary arts and her work will provide both California and the nation with a better understanding and appreciation of poetry and the world we live in."

The California governor, being an actor himself, has shown that he values the arts, especially poetry and has a special place for poetry in his heart somewhere. California Poet Laureate, Al Young, stated once in a UC Berkeley presentation, that when he met him for his interview, Arnold had already memorized one of Young's poems, a gesture that impressed the poet, who then remembered that, of course, he was dealing with an actor.

The Us Poet Laureate, who is appointed annually by the Librarian of Congress,serves from October to May. The poet's role, explains the Imperial Valley News, "is to raise the national consciousness to a greater appreciation of the reading and writing of poetry." That's good for poetry, this raising of consciousness thing.

The position comes with a $35,000 annual stipend, and I have noticed that it elevates the importance of the appointed poets, sometimes to celebrity status, because they beging to give lectures for which they can charge as much as $10 000 per event. That's good for poetry. Some of them happen to be really good poets, Ted Kooser, Charles Simic, Billy Collins, Rita Dove, Robert Haas, to name a few. And I like these programs that keep poetry alive. If the poet does his or he job well, his or her tenure leaves an indelible mark on the importance of poetry. Ryan, often compared to Emily Dickinson, promises to bring something exciting to the position.

Congratulations Kay Ryan.


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