Sacramento State University hosts Conference on Rwanda

I look forward to attending this rich conference hosted by Sac State. Here I am posting the conference schedule to give readers an idea of the kinds of papers that are going to be presented by scholars from across the Unites States.

Post-Genocide Rwanda: Achievements and Challenges

Date & Venue: November 2-3, 2007 at Sacramento State University


 Pan-African Studies and Ethnic Studies at California State University,
 The University of the Pacific, School of International Studies,
o in collaboration with :
FORA (Friends of Rwanda Association).

Thursday: November 1, 2007

5:00 PM-7:00 PM: Wine and Cheese Reception and Registration.
8391 Red Fox Way Elk Grove, California.

Friday November 2, 2007


9:00-10:50 Welcome and Keynote speech: Hinde Auditorium
Genocide Negation: Its impact on National Unity and Reconciliation by James Kimonyo, Rwandan Ambassador to the United States

10:00 AM-12:30. Concurrent sessions

Session 1: Law and Justice

Timothy Gallimore, ICTR (Arusha, Tanzania): ‘The Legacy of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and its Contributions to Justice and Reconciliation in Rwanda’

Linda F. Carter, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law: Post-Genocide Responses: The Interrelationship of International and National Judicial Proceeding.

Benjamin Hjelle, Monterey Institute of International Studies: ‘From Arusha to the Hague: Constructing International Crime Justice Regime’

Susan Thomson and Rosemary Nagv, Dalhouse University, Halifax, Nova Scotia: ‘Power, Justice, and Reconciliation in Post-Genocide Rwanda’

Jens Meierhenrich, Harvard: ‘The Invention of Gacaca’

Adrian Traylor, Monterey Institute of International Studies: ‘Why we failed: an Interest Based Analysis of the Negotiation Before and During the 1994 Rwandan genocide’

Max Rettig, Stanford University: ‘Gacaca: Result from a Multimodel Study’

Vincent Mboneyeho : ‘Justice in Rwanda, Impunity in the Region’

Session 2 : Revisionism, National Unity and Reconciliation

Jacqueline Boynton : ‘Denial and Revisionism as a Social Phenomenon : Some Lessons from the Past’.

Mathilde Mukantabana : ‘American Genocide Negationists’

Jean Ntirandekura : ‘Acts of Negation in Comparative Genocide Structure’

Alison McLaughlin: ‘Ethnicity in Rwanda : Recognize to Reconcile’

Elisee Rutagambwa, Boston College: ‘International Inaction in Rwanda : a Departing Point from a Postcolonial African Ethical Policy‘

Anastase Shyaka, ‘Genocide, Identity questions, Government and Democracy in Rwanda’, UNR.

Tharcisse Seminega, Genocide Survivor, University of Alberta : The Legacy of the 1994 Tutsi Genocide : Paving the Way for a Better Future.

Sabrina Dove and Ellen Yamshon: ‘Using Art to Further Peacemaking in the Aftermath of Genocide: the Lessons from Rwanda.

Jean Marie Vianney Kagenza: ‘Negative Effects on Unity and Reconciliation of Rwandans in the Former Prefecture of Byumba’

Emmanuel Nkurunziza : ‘Negationism Revisited with Rwandan Tutsi Genocide’.

Dominique Musoni and Claire Barebereho : ‘Tutsi Genocide Denial : Eyewitness Account’

Ernest Ndimubandi : ‘The Weakness of the International Community with Regard to Genocide’
Oscar Gasana : ‘The Context of Religion and Violence : Implications of the leaders in memic Structures of Violence : the Case of Rwanda.

Session 3: Challenges Facing Genocide Survivors : From their own mouths

Manasse Shingiro : My ordeal in the 1994 Tutsi Genocide’

Maggie Mbabazi : Coping with the Trauma of Genocide

Louis Ngarambe : Point of Views of Genocide Survivors on their Living Conditions and on the Life of the Whole Country

Yves Ngendahimana : Reaction of Tutsi genocide Survivors to the Government Policies Affecting the Victims and Perpetrators of Genocide

Alphonsine Muteteri : My Experience as a Head of Family of Kids who Survived Genocide and I was One of Them.

Kayirama : A sole 9-year old becomes head of family.
Ntagara : Achievements and challenges of BARAKABAHO Foundation

Diane Mukeshimana : Problems Facing Widows of the 1994 Genocide

Innocent Ntagara : ‘Achievements and Challenges : BARAKABAHO Foundation’

Marie Prudence Uwimana : ‘Tutsi Genocide Raped Women Survivors’

Frederick Sebasaza : ‘Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Among University Students’.


1 :00 PM-1 :50 PM

Keynote speech : Orchid II and III :

Rwanda : History and Hope by Margee Ensign, Dean and Associate Provost, School of International Studies, the University of Pacific, Stockton.

2 :00-4 :30 : Concurrent sessions

Session 1 : Economic Development

Scott Wagner :‘Progress and challenges in Post-Genocide Rwanda’ :

‘Rwanda: Is it Safe to Visit ?’ : Lionel Rawlins, North Central University and CEO, The Von Frederick Group.

Euthalie Nyirabega, National University of Rwanda : Women’s Small Business in the Development of Rwanda

Katherine Carelock : ‘The Impact of Women in Rebuilding the Country’,

Alexandre Kimenyi, Sacramento State :
Imidugudu : A Solution for a Better Living in Rwanda.

Anastase Shyaka, NUR, Butare :‘Local Governments and National Development : a Comparative Analysis of from Nyamagabe and Nyagatare Districts’

Euthalie Nyirabega, NUR, Butare : Environmental and Water Resources management : Challenges for Rwanda.

Emmy Rugira : ‘The Role of Microfinance Institutions in Poverty alleviation in Post-Genocide Rwanda : The Case of Kibarondo district’.

Alice Kampimbere : ‘Hope and Challenges to Fight Against Poverty in Post-Genocide Rwanda’.

Constance Mukankiranuye : ‘Popular Banks Contribute to Small Business Promotion in Rwanda’

Didne de Diane Yampundu : ‘The Impact of the East African community on The Economy and Conflict Resolution : The case of Rwanda and Burundi’

Happy Bwerere : ‘A Better Tomorrow’

Didier Nahimana : ‘Proliferation of Youth Delinquency and Homelessness in both Burundi and Rwanda : A Comparative Study’.

Amedee Ndikumwami : ‘The Negative Effect of the 1994 Tutsi Genocide in Rwanda on the University of Lake Tanganyika and the Economy of Burundi’.

Session 2. : Challenges of Genocide Survivors from their own Mouth.

Alphonse Nsengiyumva : Children Survivors Handicapped during the 1994 Tutsi Genocide.

Eric Nshimiyimana, Celestin Rurinda and Jean Bosco Karengera : Problems Facing Survivors of the 1994 Tutsi Genocide.

Diane Mukeshimana : Problems Facing Tutsi Women Survivors Raped During Genocide

Appolinaire Rurangwa and Constance Mukarugambwa: The Plight of the Handicapped Survivors of the 1994 Tutsi genocide

Alphonsine Izere : Social Conditions of Orphaned children of the 1994 Tutsi Genocide in Families of Adoption
Charles Kubwimana : Problems of Orphans of the 1994 Tutsi Genocide

Odette Marie Yabaragiye : Life After the Tutsi Genocide in 1994.

Velene Dusabeyezu : Caring for Survivors with Trauma

Emmanuel Ndagijimana : Problems Facing Orphans of the 1994 Tutsi Genocide

Film: Rwanda Rising by Quincey Jones: 6 :00-8 :00 PM. Hinde Auditorium

Saturday November 3rd 2007


9 :00-9 :50 AM.

Keynote Speech : Orchid II and III
Democracy and National Values: Joseph Nsengimana : Rwandan Ambassador to the United Nations, New York.

10 :00-12 :30 Concurrent Sessions :

Session 1 : Literature

Naomi Benaron : ‘Writing Across the Borders : the Rights and Responsibilities of Writing about a Culture Which is not Your Own’..

Lisa Abraham CRC : ‘Rwanda Folktale Project : The Long Journey’.

Alexandre Dauge-Roth, Bates University. : ‘Testimonies and Literary Accounts of Tutsi Genocide,

Ellen Yamshon and Rubert Barambanza : ‘The Prospect of Sustainable Peace Through Comics Media and Graphic Novels’.

Barbara Lasch McCaffry, Myrna Goodman, Elaine Leeder and David Salm :
‘The Memory Grove and the Program of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Sonoma State University’,

Session 2 : University Curriculum

Mathilde Mukantabana, CRC : ‘Social work in Post-Genocide Rwanda : Building a Case for the Essential Role of Social Workers in the New Socio-Economic and Political Developments in Rwanda’.

Dr.D.Onolemhemlen , Wayne State University: Social Work education in a Post-Genocide Rwanda : Achievements and Challenges for a Newly Rebuilt Nation.

Louis Chicoine : ‘Building a Future in Post-Genocide Rwanda by Creating Effective Non-Government Organizations.

Tracey Patton, University of Wyoming : Rwandan Recovery : Engaging in Social Justice in the University Curriculum.

Bill Froming and Karen Froming, ‘Pacific Graduate School of Psychology : ‘Building Clinical Psychology Infrastructure in Developing Countries’

Session 3 : Special Session on Native American Genocide

Presenters to be announced.


1 :00 PM-1 :50 PM

Keynote speech in Orchid II and III :
William Bertrand, Wisner Professor of Public Health at Tulane University : Progress and Challenges in Health Care and Information Technology in Rwanda.

2 :00 PM-4 :30 PM : Orchid I and Orchid III

Session 1 : Technology.

Gregg Zachary, Stanford University :‘Start up Rwanda :

Carol Shulin. California State University, Northridge : ‘The Birth and Growth of KIST’

Antoine Bigirimana, CEO, E-Tools :
IT in Rwanda : Progress and Challenges.

Philip Giovanni :Biofuel Development in Rwanda.

Anne Peterson, Tara Shuster, Shannon Holme, Katie Koel and Mary Wagner :‘Solar Cookers and WAPIs in Rwanda’

Adelard Bugegene : ‘The Impact of the Internet in Spreading Democracy in the Great Lakes Region’

Jean Paul Habimana : ‘Ethics and Deontology in Post-Genocide Rwanda Journalism’

Emmy Rugira : The Role of Microfinance Institutions in Alleviating Poverty on Post-Genocide Rwanda : The Case of Kabarondo Sector, Kayonza District, Eastern Province’

Amsni Athar : ‘Redrawing the Map of Rwanda’

Session 2 : Native American Genocide

Presenters to be announced.

2 :30-4 :00 PM

Plenary Session : Orchid II and Orchid III
Open Panel Discussion : Questions, Answers and Comments by all conference participants.

Panelists :
Ambassador Joseph Kimonyo, Ambassador Joseph Nsengimana, Dean Margee Ensign, Prof. William Bertrand, Antoine Bigirimana and Gregg Zachary.


7 :00 PM-12 :00 AM

Rwandan Cultural Fundraising event organized by FORA.

Holiday Inn EXPRESS Hotel & Suites
9175 W. Stockton
Elk Grove, CA 95758
At HWY 99 & Laguna Blvd
Tel. 916-478-9000

Keynote speech :Orphans of Genocide Coping in Today’s Realities’ by Euthalie NYIRABEGA ,National University of Rwanda at Butare and President of A.S.O.G.M (Association de Soutien pour les Orphelins de Genocide du Mayaga)
Entertainment :Rwandan Artist Vincent NSENGIYUMVA. and DJ Wendell FISHMAN

Food - Drinks - Entertainment - Silent Auction Proceeds benefit survivors of Genocide
General Public : $30 Students : $20


j.a said…
Hi there,

I am wondering if it is possible to gain access to the transcripts from this conference? I am presently working on a Master's thesis and searching for scholarly information on the negation of the Rwandan genocide. I'd like to know how to obtain the information presented at the conference.

Thank you,
J.A Butera
The best way would be to send an inquiry to the Friends of Rwanda Association (FORA), just google it and contact Mathilde Mukantabana by email.

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