Blogger's Block Allows Me to Give Poetry Journal Update

There has been blogger's block here. Well, I have been busy reading submissions for Munyori Poetry Journal, and getting into the new semester. The submissions to Munyori so far are reflective of an increasingly globalized village; I have entries from Bolivia to Ghana to Serbia to Zimbabwe. Lot's of US submissions, of course. The new debut issue of Munyori comes out on October 5. This journal is monthly. Perhaps the first issue will feature only poetry, but the subsequent ones will a mixture of essays, interviews, profiles and commentary.

Adding some more:

Some may ask, why the name Munyori? This word comes from the beautiful Shona language, and it means 'Writer". So basically, Shona allows me to say "Writer Poetry Journal". Why did I choose the Shona name? I figured I don't have a Shona name, so why not name the literary journal in Shona. These online journals tend to have unique names, from Pedestal to Zygote, to Ovi to Safusy. This is a way to stay away from generic names and to get into a sense of play to set the mood for poetry. I know Munyori is a plain Shona word, but it enters the English medium with rythm and (stereotypically)the exotic touch. And the benefit? I really want to promote the idea that poets and writers of all sorts need more outlets to share their best. What better place (let me advertise) than Munyori Poetry Journal is there to promote your works? Submit poetry to Munyori Poetry Journal by clicking here .


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