
Showing posts from February, 2022

Mother Tongues and Community Resilience: An Interview with Zimbabwe's Emmanuel Hove

 February 21, 2022 was International Mother Tongue Day, a celebration that many did not realize was happening, because it is not talked about often and is perhaps not celebrated everywhere as it should. To celebrate the day is to embrace the linguistic diversity of our world, and to ignore the day is let each other down, to live as if the diversity of our languages, hence our diversity, does not matter. But one small organization in Zimbabwe did not want to let this day go by without being observed: Chisiya Writer's Workshop, an organization of writers physically located in Mazvihwa, Zimbabwe, celebrated the day through an event co-organized with the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe, Midlands Branch.  The event, titled "International Mother language day presentation", was held as a discussion on the WhatsApp forum of Chisiya Writer's Club. It was facilitated by Emmanuel Hove Mhike and moderated by Pam Kupfavira of the Midlands Branch of NACZ.  To capture the spirit o...

New Northern California Literary Initiative Promotes Works by BIPOC Writers

 Sacramento, CA: Faculty from two Northern California college districts have established a literary initiative that promotes the works of BIPOC writers. Califa Lit Initiative was established in August 2021 with the following mission:  Stimulate students to write their own stories, creative nonfiction, poetry and plays Motivate students to read and discuss the works of established Black and BIPOC authors in environments beyond the formal classroom Create ways for students to publish their work, such as an online journal, and podcasts, and support, mentor and encourage them to submit to other publications. To date, the organization has hosted one literary event in October, which reached more than forty participants who listened to a keynote speaker and participated in a writing workshop and reading session. Following the success of its first event, Califa Lit is going to present its second event on February 25: "Uzima: Writing, Sharing, Healing in the African Diaspora".  T...