A Memory of Bees

photo by Ken Wilson Starting with the Bees On August 17, 2013, I was a featured reader at the "Foam on the Mouth" poetry series in Sacramento, California. Some of the poems I read were centered on the two hills pictured above. I still have strong memories of the hills, all the things we did, the games we played when we were young. The photo was taken from the peak of Chisiya Hill, which I have characteristically called my hill, because I grew up in its shadow. The smaller hill is called Chigorira. Our home was situated between the two hills. This allowed me to be a part of the hills as they were a part of me. I knew every cave in both hills, and ate all kinds of fruits and edible roots I could find on and around the hills. I knew some of the secrets the hills harbored. They were equally a source of joy as they were a source of fear. Like most hills in the areas, they had dangers: snakes, scorpions and the occasional hyena or wild ...